If set on the troops, skins will be applied to the heads of the item-troops on the gui.

Take texture and date values and replace them in skins.yml Signature: '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'To change the skin go to and upload the custom skin. This would allow for a very flexible means of using a base model and applying variations in the model while not having to upload a new model each time.Texture: 'ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTYxODk1NjI3ODA5MiwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICI5MzZmMTA3MTEzOGM0YjMyYTg0OGY2NmE5Nzc2NDJhMiIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICIwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDB4IiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL2U2N2I1Nzk3MDIzZmUyOGU5NmEwMzc0ODJkNThhZTBjZmJjMjgxZTQwMjZlMzY1NzQ3M2I1ZmUxOTBiYWQ0MGUiLAogICAgICAibWV0YWRhdGEiIDogewogICAgICAgICJtb2RlbCIgOiAic2xpbSIKICAgICAgfQogICAgfQogIH0KfQ='

In this case, the barrel can be changed to allow for different colors (in gmod).Įach “skin” could have a maximum of 2 or 3 materials (if using the skin system) and there would be a maximum of 10 or so skins for a model (if I recall correctly the reason for the material limit isn’t for file size, but due to optimization/rendering so quantity of textures isn’t as much of an issue?) Of course said workshop model would still need to comply with the file size limit.

I think it would be great to have a system similar to Garry’s Mod in that you can place a model, and after placement can change the texture to different variations from a pre-defined list made in the workshop editor. Gmodplayer 5 subscribers Subscribe 2 3 views 14 minutes ago This video explains how to change your skin/player model in Gmod, enjoy. Currently, if you’d like to make for example a custom computer monitor that displays different things on each monitor or a car with different paint jobs, you’d need to upload a separate model for every variation of the texture(s). Home Minecraft Mob Skins Horribly drawn creeper (Gmod) Minecraft Mob Skin.